Zaanse Schans

Let's say you are a tourist with only one afternoon within which to experience every Dutch cliche imaginable, where would you go? There really is only one answer: Zaanse Schans. In a space no larger than that of a decent urban park, they have managed to combine (deep breath) a bunch of windmills, a cheese factory, a wooden shoe factory, a costume museum, a supermarket museum, a pewter workshop and a souvenir shop or two. It is Dutch Disneyland (minus the overgrown rodent, which is a shame because they really do have some fine cheese). As tacky as it is, I was pretty excited to be there and even wanted to have my picture taken in front of some windmills (those who know me well, know I love taking photos as much as I hate being in photos). At the moment the photo was being taken, I saw an enormous jumbo-jet-size bee zip in front of the camera. I was certain that Shawn would see this behemoth and wait for him to pass before snapping the photo. It was not until I downloaded the photos that I realized that the bee had very much made it into the picture. I guess every major tourist attraction needs a mascot and now the bee was mine...


  1. Such a nice picture spoiled by the mascot. Couldn't resist its extraction. See an edited version at:


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