Country #61: I'm on a Portuguese Roll...

Last post, I bragged about reaching the 60 country milestone. A scant 9 days later I got a chance to visit Lisbon, Portugal (a charter member of the "been there but don't really remember a thing" club of countries and now a proud #61). As with Switzerland, it was a short visit, but learning from my mistakes, I did things a bit differently. For one, I did one of my favorite things to do in a new city. I joined an organized walking tour, led by a guide from Inside Lisbon Walks , who not only was able to share with us the history of this lovely city, but who also possessed a truly enviable sense of direction. It's amazing how much time you can save when you do not have to stop every couple of blocks to pull out a map, argue about who is holding said map upside down or grumble in frustration as you try to refold the infernal thing. Having an actual live guide, as opposed to a book tour, also comes in handy when you have any questions about what you are seeing, hearing o...