Lots to do in Lebanon

There is a lot to see in Lebanon. Like almost too much, really. Particularly if you only have a couple of days to see and do it all. But as they say, the struggle is real and sleep is for suckers. In order to cover as much as possible, I decided to sign up for two day trips, both which started much too early in the morning. Day one, I headed north. As with all things in life, the tours would be a mixed bag. There would be would be some really great stops and then there were would be some that were just "eh". After reading the description, I mentally placed the first stop firmly in the 'eh' category. It would be a stop at the Jeita grotto. I have nothing against grottos, per se, it is just that I have been to so many that after a while all those stalactites and stalagmites start to blend together. That is probably why after taking a cable car up to the upper grotto, I was completely ok with their rule that you put all phones, cameras, etc into a locker. Less to...