Le Hotel de Glace

Has anyone seen that book "1000 Things to Do Before You Die"? I can't really recommend it since I find it way too Eurocentric, with about 10 pages devoted to the city of London, but a mere 2 devoted to the entire country of South Africa (give or take). So it bothers me to admit that the idea of staying at an Ice Hotel came as a result of that book. I was browsing through it, when I came across a blurb about the Swedish Ice Hotel. I casually mentioned to Shawn that it would be nice to stay there. He responded with an incredulous " You ?! You would stay at an ice hotel?!!" What followed was an even more immediate realization on my part that now no matter what, hypothermia be damned, we would have to stay at an Ice Hotel. For economic reasons, the one in Sweden was replaced with the one in Quebec and the plans were set in motion. For anyone not familiar with the Ice Hotel idea, it is exactly what it sounds like. It is a hotel which is erected ever...