Brush with Belgian greatness

Just one of hundred of photos I took of the Grand Place, the main square And yet another.. A theater known for its puppet shows I couldn't leave without seeing this guy. The Sablon church Detail from the exterior of the Sablon church The Atomium The two Belgian specialties: Chocolate and Beer, all in one bottle Busy circumstances and an infuriatingly spotty internet connection have kept me from sharing my latest adventures, but the stars have aligned just so tonight, my connection is looking strong and I am jumping at the chance to try to catch up on this blogging thing. So.....on Wednesday, June 4th, I took a bus over to Brussels. It was only 3 1/2 hours from Amsterdam and it was crazy cheap (18 euro round-trip!!), so even though I had talked to some people who were not too impressed with the city, I felt I had to see it for myself. To cut to the proverbial chase, I don't know if it was a case of low expections, randon luck, or what, but I ha...