Country #63: Nazca, Peru

For the past month, I have been traveling around the incredibly varied country that is Peru (#63). I followed a well-travelled route that has appropriately been dubbed the "Gringo Trail". The Trail runs along a string of cities in the Southern section of the country, almost all of which contain some pre-Inca or Inca ruins, lots of hostels of varying quality, plentiful bars featuring increasingly more generous drink specials and loads of indigenous women strolling through main squares with picturesque llamas. The first stop, after landing in Lima, for many (myself included) is a small town named Nazca. Nazca, a short five hours bus ride from Lima, does not immediately reveal its charms. It is not until you take a flight around the surrounding desert that you get to fully appreciate the reason for its popularity. That is when you see the Nazca L...