Amber Starr Pozo

1987-2008 Twenty-one years ago, I was dating my first “serious” boyfriend, Richard and Xmas was approaching. Every time he asked me what it was that I wanted, I repeated the same answer, I wanted a Persian Cat. He was pretty tight and realizing how much a pure breed cat was going to cost, he tried all kinds of tactics to try to get me to give him a different response (ie. What would be the second best thing I could get you for Xmas? Response: Nothing, I want a Persian Cat). In the end, my stubbornness won out and on December 25, 1987, I was presented with the most gorgeous cream colored Persian kitten to have ever graced this earth. She had a shy disposition, big beautiful amber eyes and as a testament to Richard’s cheapness and the questionable breeder he must have gone to for the lowest price, she also had fleas, ringworm and was in desperate need for a bath. It was love at first sight. For me and the kitten that is, Richard was out of the picture by summertime. In the two decades ...