That's Nice.

The view from the Chateau The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Niki de Saint Phalle's angels enjoying a lovely day I'd like to start this post by thanking everyone who through posts, e-mails, phone calls, etc. shared their kind words and remembrances about my baby, Amber Starr. It is tough being home, looking towards her favorite chair and finding it empty, but it is good to know that she touched so many of those who knew her. Now back to the travel business on this here travel blog. The scene: August in Amsterdam. We had just enough time for one more European jaunt before having to pack our bags and return to a land without last minute cheapo flights. We decided we ought to make it worthwhile, we wanted somewhere relaxing, yet glamorous, but it had to have things to do and see, and we wanted good food. Nice wines wouldn't hurt. I, of course, wanted to hit a new country. The answer to all our demands came via one of Amsterdam's wonderful discoun...