Settle down you FOMO suffering ADD chipmunk...or how I ended up inTrakai

Before landing in Vilnius, I was going highlighter happy on the discount Lithuania book I had managed to find in a second hand book store. After seeing every single thing in the capital city, I was going to visit a hill with roughly a bajillion crosses on it in the north. I was going to hit up a communist theme park in the south. I was going to take a selfie in the geographic center of Europe. Since all this running around might be a bit tiring, a spa town was definitely in order. Trying to figure out how to do all this in only three days was proving a bit challenging but I was undaunted. I would ask the locals, who were sure to know a shortcut or two. To this end, I presented Lina, the owner of Vilnius' coolest hostel, with my wish list. She briefly got the "Oh no, not one of these.." looks that I am pretty familiar with but gamely continued. "You will go to Trakai" she said. Sure, if it's worth a visit, I'll add it to my list. "No,...