Country #97: Antiguo en Antigua

Antigua: One half of the Caribbean island nation Antigua and Barbuda. Known as Waladii by the native population. Gained its independence from the British in 1981. Vacation home to Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson and Eric Clapton (who has both a massive home and a rehab facility on site). Home to an alleged 365 beaches, a number that just happens to coincide with the marketing slogan "A beach for every day of the year". Pronounced An-tee-ga. But most importantly: my 97th country. Antiguo: (Spanish) Ancient. Archaic. Antiquated. Prehistoric. Elderly. Old as dirt. What's happens when you celebrate a good friend's 50th birthday there? You have an Antiguo en Antigua. This was the theme for our third port of call.