Exactly whose fantasy is this?

I just returned from Key West, where the annual Fantasy Fest celebration is in full swing. During the week-long festival, there are a series of theme nights (ie. red night, plaid night, toga night), but somehow they all amount to one thing, people running around in various states of undress. This in principle may sound like a good thing, but trust me, it is not. When you see a man in a loin cloth or a woman wearing nothing but body paint, and your first thought is "Where are his/ her grandchildren and why did they not stop him/her?", or when you find yourselves searching for a sharp stick with which to poke out your eyes to make the vision of the wrinkly woman in the thong go away, it's a bit of a problem. Yet despite all this, it is still Key West and it can still be counted upon to provide awe-inspiring sunsets, wonderfully off-kilter locals and crystalline waters. Visiting only makes me want to go there more often. Only I think I will wait until the body pa...