It's all about the guide...

One of my secret shames is how little sightseeing I have done in my own backyard. Occasionally, I will be in some far-away place and a local or fellow traveler will learn that I'm from Miami. This will inevitably prompt them to tell me all about a long list of attractions in South Florida that they have been to and I, invariably, have not. The closer the attraction to my home, the more I hate to own up to it. Towards the top of this long list is Coral Castle, which is located in Homestead, about 40 minutes away. Coral Castle is one of those great, bizarro roadside attractions erected by an eccentric genius/ madman that I normally flock to whenever given half the chance. Yesterday, thanks to a slow work week and its resulting over-abundance of free time, I realized that perhaps, this was my half a chance (chance and a half?), so I grabbed Shawn, my mother and a camera and headed down to Homestead. The eccentric in question was a tiny Latvian named Ed Leedskaln...