Day 5. The Warriors

the Terracotta Warriors Museum: Pit One Pit Three (a representation of how scientists found the original sight) The kneeling warrior. Back inside Xian's walled city The Great Mosque My Xian taxi driver It was day five, we were already more than halfway through our tour, yet I felt like I was just beginning to get my bearings. It was just starting to feel natural greeting people with a " Nie Hao " or showing appreciation with a " Xie xie ". I had just about convinced Michael, who would ask me each day if I would still be eating vegetarian, that this might just be a permanent thing with me. My body clock had fully adjusted, although not enough to join the horde of people doing tai chi in the park next to our hotel at 6 am (hell, I could live out the rest of my days in China and still not be motivated enough to join those diehards in the freezing rain at such an unnatural hour). My cold was even getting better yet this week was going...