Q: What do you do with 44 hours in St. Thomas?

A: Get the hell out of St. Thomas. Seriously. If you don't want to take my word for it, just look at the officially sanctioned US Virgin Islands website. Sure, they may use words such as "cosmopolitan" and "lively" in the place of the more accurate "overcrowded" and "tourist trappy", but instinctively you know what they mean. The site goes as far as to point out that St. Thomas is the "least virginal" of the Virgin Islands. They, the very people being paid to make this place attractive to visitors can't help but to warn you that this is one whore of an island. If you want to find the Johns, you need look no further than the port which hosts the greatest number of cruise ships of any Caribbean island. Lucky for us, the girl working at the gift shop in our overpriced hotel shared the website's penchant for unfailing honesty. Only with a bit less subtlety. I believe her words were "All the beaches in St. Th...