A tale of two Falls.

Back in January, I had a couple of days off in Buffalo. To be clear, I think we can all agree that there are at least two things horribly wrong with that last sentence. 1. Up until recently, Buffalo was not a place I'd choose to be under the best of circumstances. 2. Anytime that you combine Buffalo and the middle of winter, that is anything but the best of circumstance. Yet here I was. Trying to make lemonade out of bored and bitter lemons, I figured that I could go to Niagara Falls and get some of those cool frozen waterfall pics that pop up on all those nature sites. Or to rephrase, when faced with the dilemma of what to do in the Siberian hellscape that is western New York in January, my first instinct was to get the hell out, even if it was to a possibly colder place.