Colonia del Sacramento

There is easy and then there is so ridiculously easy that slowest child in class, the one that can usually be spotted eating his own boogers, can do it easy. I can safely report that doing a day trip from Buenos Aires to Colonia del Sacramento falls squarely into the latter category. There are two competing companies in BA that sell packages for under $100 which will get you there and back, get you oriented and even get you fed. The transport options include either a fast (1 hour) or slow ferry (2 ½ hours) across the Rio Plata. Once there, a guide is waiting to hand out maps and brochures, lead an hour long walking tour and do her very best to sell visitors on the charms of this UNESCO world heritage site. And it is indeed charming, with its cobble stone streets and picturesque colonial architecture which speaks of the back and forth battle for possession between the Spanish and the Portuguese (Colonia changed hands multiple times between the two serial colonizers), but the itty bit...