Country #111: Something in Laos

When you take the speed dating approach to travel, you can't allow yourself to get too bogged down in the details. Take for example, my latest adventure. I landed in Vientiane at midnight and had an entire twelve hours before I had to catch a flight to Guam. The sensible thing to do would have been to get some sleep, maybe a quick breakfast and start the new day refreshed (or as close to it as possible when whizzing through time zones). Problem is Vientiane is the capital of Laos, a new country for me and I was determined to see... something, which is more or less how I phrased it when I checked into my hotel at 1am. I explained to the front desk clerk that I wanted to set up a driver to show me the sights. When asked what precisely I wanted to see, my response was "Uh, I don't know. Anything specific to Laos. Temples, maybe. That monument that shows up in all the Google searches. Anything interesting. No shopping."