Country #81: Riga...A brilliant choice

Way back in August, I found myself with some unexpected days off, the last few I would have for this year's Amsterdam stay. I was wandering around, unsure of what to do with this time, when I came across an ad for Baltic Airlines touting cheap airfare to Riga. That afternoon, I did a quick search for hostels in Riga, found there were some highly recommended ones, saw some pretty pictures and decided that Latvia was to be my 81st country. I proudly went around proclaiming that I was heading to Latvia. Not surprisingly, this was usually followed by blank stares or questions as to why, exactly, I was going to what was it again? I had no good answer at the time (other than the obvious best answer: Because it's there). I did not even have any idea as to what I would find once I got there. I did know that there was a possibility to bungee jump from a cable car, but oddly, that was about the extent of my research. Arriving at the fun to say Naughty Squirrel Hostel on a Monday after...