Day 2. We have how much time?

Outside the walls of the Forbidden City Entering into the Emperor's private domain Fun with shadows The Forbidden City's "lucky" tree Anyone know where I could buy a panda? One of the Beijing Zoo's most popular residents looking a little worse for wear. "There! You got your picture. Can I please go back to sleep now?" Sensible advice considering there is a napping panda on the other side of this railing . Guarding the Summer Palace Upon our arrival in Beijing, Michael, our super-duper stellar guide, presented us with a list of optional tours which we could join, in addition to the handful which were included in our package. Being the independent traveller that I profess to be, I refused to check off even one. "No optional tours for us" I informed Michael. I had my guide book, had printed plenty of pages off of the internet and could tackle all of the activities covered in the tours at my own pace, on my ow...