Return to Cabo

Back in 1999, I had a work trip that to this day, holds a place in my heart as one of my best work trips ever. It was one of those situations where everything that could go right, absolutely did. We went on a sunset booze cruise, only to learn that the whales were in season and were in a breaching kind of mood. It's possible they had been rehearsing for our arrival. The synchronized swimming display they put on would have wowed the most persnickety of Olympic judges. Once off the boat, we decided to continue the party at Sammy Hagar’s then newish bar, CaboWabo. We were drinking, playing pool having an all around good time. I remember I was chatting with a cool tatted up guy when a waiter surreptitiously approached and recommended we stick around. Seeing as we had no plans of leaving, this was not a big ask. Maybe 30 minutes later, a divider opened onto a separate room. The bar got quiet and four guys sauntered onto the stage. They were Sammy Hagar, John Entwistle from the Wh...