Kissing giraffes in Kenya: Country # 89

People often ask me if I get nervous traveling on my own. My answer is usually not. I try to do research beforehand so that I don't find myself staying at the intersection of Murderer's Alley and Pickpocket Place. I try to exercise 'city sense'. I try not to look like I'm packing a ton of cash (this one comes really easy, somehow). And I always try to look like I know where I am going (this is one: not so easy.) Yet none of these made me feel 100% confident heading into a city, affectionately known by friend and foe alike as "Nairobbery". Tales of general lawlessness abounded and seeing as I was set to start a safari in two weeks, one that required a large cash payment, I felt like a veritable walking ATM. To allay these concerns, I initially based myself in the 'burbs. I went straight from Kenyatta Airport to the Bush House and Camp , a lovely guesthouse located in the Karen district. This area, named after Karen Blixen, the au...