An inchis kind of day

As a professional tourist, I have acquired a trick or two I like to use when traveling. One of these is to always check out postcard racks. Whether they are found in a store, airport or hotel, these racks provide great shorthand information into what is significant, photogenic or otherwise noteworthy about any place you may happen to be in. Sometimes the news is not so great, such as when you see an array of photos representing vast open fields or close-ups of dairy cows. This is a clear message that your next few days are going to feel exorbitantly long. If the postcards highlight nothing more than the airport itself, you may as well run to the closest shop and buy yourself a good thick book. But more often than not, the postcard rack can provide fresh ideas and the promise of exciting new places or things just waiting to be discovered. Such was the case this week, when browsing through the hotel gift shop in my beloved Bucharest, I saw pictures of an exotic looking limestone formatio...