
The early Mayans must have known a thing or two about real estate, because when it came time to building Tulum, it was all about 'location, location, location'. The ruins that remain are fairly compact and not all that spectacular, yet they are among the most visited in all Mexico. Why? Because they sit on a cliff overlooking a beautiful expanse of soft sandy beach, making it entirely possible to admire the ruins while you are swimming in the warm waters of the Carribean. That and they are only about a two hour drive from Cancun. Instead of going straight from Merida to Cancun for my return flight, I decided to break up the journey with a night in Tulum. Most of the small town is geared towards high-end travellers, particularly the resorts that sit on the beach, so I was pretty excited to get my own seaside cabana for less than $30 (although compared to Merida, I regarded this as an extravagant splurge).