Witnessing History, One Way or Another

The Capital two days before the festivities ... And on January 20, 2009. Exiting towards the Purple Gate. Karen and I holding our Purple Passes as seen through the eyes of a drunken Jamaican photographer. Our view during the Inauguration. Photo taken by Karen Farquharson . The famous Purple Ticket along with the much more effective Marc Train ticket. Eight years ago, I was invited to one of the official Presidential Inauguration Balls. I gave it some thought, reasoning that it was a historic event that I may never have another chance at, my friends were going and someone else was footing the bill, so why not? The problem was that my rage at the outcome of that election was so raw and so visceral and my self-control so completely lacking that I could not envision an end to the evening that did not involve the Secret Service dragging me away as I screamed "Hail to the Thief", "Cheater" or just plain "Asshole" in the direction of the guest of "honor...