9 Cubans, 1 Kansan and a Kittitian circle the island

Waiting for the Marriott crew ( with JR in the background) Caribelle Batik Shop at Romney Manor (closed on Sundays) Lily, Israel, Shawn, Martha and Betty at Romney Manor Brimstone Hill Fortress Mami and Maggie at Brimstone Rawlins Plantation Black Rocks My mother and her ass . Final day in St. Kitts, we decided we may as well see St. Kitts. We had explored the more upscale sister island, Nevis, we had gone deep into the rain forest, we had hit every bar along the Frigate Bay strip, some of them twice, but we had not actually driven around the island we were staying on. Due to the previous evening's van-related fiasco, the driving would now actually be done by JR aka Robert, a cab driver we had met the first day on the island and my brother would follow with the Marriott crew in his rental car. After some initial difficulties in meeting up, due mainly to the fact that my mother was given the actual meeting time, as opposed to a fictitious much earlier start tim...