Ain't no Party like a Westworld Party

You know how you can tell that you have waited way too long to post a trip on your reportedly monthly travel blog?

For me, it is generally when I have a hard time remembering all the details of the trip itself.

 I'm terrible with numbers so I never have any expectation of recalling significant dates but when I have to run to google for the most basic details- names of museums, why I found it important to photograph a certain monument, who is that in the photo with me? This is when I know I might be a procrastinator.

 At this very moment, it is December 2018. This is going to show up as a June entry bc that's the premise here but know that it's a lie.

 It is the end of the year and I am doing last minute blog housekeeping lest I have to change the title to Adventure of the Year.

So, back in June, I was kicking off my latest undertaking. Specifically, I am now the proud owner of a National Parks Passport and intend on getting as many stamps as possible. My unlikely goal is to catch up to a friend who has over 500 stamps but there is some saying about the longest walk starting with one step and all that which probably applies here.
To that end, a stay in LA turned into a visit to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

The plan was simple enough. Go to the visitor's office, get my stamp, drive to some scenic overlooks and do a bit of hiking.

Only there was an added bonus awaiting us. Within the park is the Paramount Ranch. Originally known as Rancho Las Virgenes, it was purchased by Paramount Pictures in 1927. Being so close to Hollywood, it made an ideal set for Westerns. Cecil de Mille, Bob Hope and Gary Cooper were among the famous names associated with this lot.

One of the latest uses of the faux western town has been for my favorite mindfuck, Westworld. You remember that scene- spoilers ahead- where Delores goes full Godzilla on the man in black inside a church. That was filmed in Paramount Ranch!!

The moment the woman from the visitor's center mentioned this, I was ready to run out the door screaming for Teddy. But there was more...

On this sunny day, the ranch was hosting their annual Wine and Beer fest!!

I think it may have been sold out but seeing as they probably didn't expect people to drive up into the mountains and just crash the party, security was surprisingly lax in checking for wristbands.

 This meant that my quest for a stamp now turned into us eating and drinking- for free- in the middle of Sweetwater!!

If this is how my quest for stamps is going to be, I'm all in. My friend and his 500+ stamps better watch their back because I'm coming for them.

Back to my original question about procrastinating bloggers. How long is too long? In this case, it is when the place you are writing about no longer exists. Sadly, the Paramount Ranch was a victim of this summer's Woolsey wildfire.  That is for sure a sign that you have waited much too long.


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