Country #73: Cairo

The Nile: not just a condition characterized by the ability to disregard reality Morning at the Pyramids of Giza The Pyramid of Khufu Pyramid at the Saqqara necropolis And inevitable vendor at the Saqqara necropolis Statue of Ramses II at the Memphis Museum The Mosque of Mohammad Ali at the Citadel Abolution fountain within the its courtyard It is a lso known as the Alabaster Mosque for its interior The Sultan Hassan Mosque Outside the Church of Saint Barbara in the Coptic quarter Note the Pyramids way in the background . I think I need to come up with some shorthand way of saying that I had some time off, a chance at cheap airfare and not much else, because there is definitely a pattern to be discerned here. This past Monday, after a nano-second of thought, the last-minute destination chosen was Cairo. Without sufficient time to plan an itinerary, Diana and I put our fate in the hands of a tour operator who...