
Showing posts from June, 2018

Ain't no Party like a Westworld Party

You know how you can tell that you have waited way too long to post a trip on your reportedly monthly travel blog? For me, it is generally when I have a hard time remembering all the details of the trip itself.  I'm terrible with numbers so I never have any expectation of recalling significant dates but when I have to run to google for the most basic details- names of museums, why I found it important to photograph a certain monument, who is that in the photo with me? This is when I know I might be a procrastinator.  At this very moment, it is December 2018. This is going to show up as a June entry bc that's the premise here but know that it's a lie.  It is the end of the year and I am doing last minute blog housekeeping lest I have to change the title to Adventure of the Year. So, back in June, I was kicking off my latest undertaking. Specifically, I am now the proud owner of a National Parks Passport and intend on getting as many stamps as possible. My unlik...